100% Cucumber Juice
Cucumber Juice
Calories 50
Total Fats 0g
Calories from Fats 0
Sodium 0mg
Cabohydrates 9g
Sugars 9g
Fiber 2g
Protein 0g
Vitamin C 4.8mg 8%
Calcium 60ml 6%
Iron 0.4mg 5%
Percentage calculation is based on a 2,000 calories diet
Always keep the juices between 1-5 0 C. After opening
consume immediately
Allergen Disclaimer
We understand your concerns about potential allergens
in the food you eat. Our goal is to provide accurate
information on each ingredients used in our product.
The following products contain allergens.
Celery juice : Celery
Daily green : Celery
Slice of green : Celery
Fennel king : Celery
Almond Mylk : Almonds
Cashew Mylk : Cashews
Sensitive consumers
The detox juices are not intended for individuals of
about 6 Months--To 1-- years old and pregnant women.